Thursday, July 30, 2009

Magnolias - a New Twist

Creating a new piece of art sometimes takes a great deal of time & effort. Preparing to teach that same piece of art takes even more time - prepping a pattern, writing instructions, taking clear photographs, and sometimes assembling all the materials needed! If you are really lucky, the finished work turns out even better than expected & becomes versatile as well.
This happened with the magnolia watercolor. Besides being a nice piece of art, I found out that the design can be reversed and the pattern divided into two separate paintings. Not only that but the design holds up to being reduced to a miniature size for making jewelry. It won't be mass produced - just a few individual pieces hand made. So if you are interested, please just ask!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I've been working on some new stuff as usual. This is a piece I finished last week just in time to take to my local painting chapter for show & tell. It will be the subject of my next watercolor batik class for later this month.

It is hard to believe that July is here and nearly half over! Before we know it, school will be starting and the holidays will be upon us again. I sat down to update my calendar for the last half of the year and was amazed (and a little frightened) of just how much is already on that list. How far out do you plan?