Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart Giveaway

I love checking out other blogs - especially the creative ones! And I love to travel to new destinations. Visiting blogs is a great way to "travel" and get a new viewpoint of the world - sort of like the "magic carpet" theme of One World One Heart. I was just over at Gail's blog - Shabby Cottage Studio - where I saw this wonderful idea!!! This is a chance for like-minded bloggers to connect and I will be visiting as many of them as I possibly can and making some new blog friends along the way. And click on the magic carpet link to find out more about this event!!

Photo And I love sharing my creations with others, so I have decided to participate in the give away by offering up this pendant. I love taking my original artwork and applying the designs to jewelry. If you are interested in seeing other designs just look back through my blog. For the giveaway, these roses were handpainted then reduced to fit in the pendant. Several layers of resin were applied for a durable finish.
If you would like a chance to win the drawing for this pendant please leave me a comment along with your blog address (& email address) so I can visit you, too. Sorry, I am limiting my drawing to fellow bloggers. If you don't have a blog, maybe now is the time to get started. You have time to create one before the drawing ends!
The event ends on February 15 and I will be drawing for the winner then. If you enter that day, please have your entries in by 12:00 noon EST. I will announce a winner that afternoon!
So, come "travel" blogland with me. Maybe we can make some new friends together!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

To say it is cold here in Florida is truly an understatement. We have had 11 straight days of below freezing temperatures and still have at least one more to deal with before there is a promise of warmer weather. To show how cold it is - the photos aren't of snow - this is a very heavy frost on a neighbor's roof! About 15 minutes before the whole roof was covered. With just a little sunshine, the frost will be gone but it is still cold! The other photo is my very frozen birdbath. When it warms up more this afternoon I will refill it for the birds.

Yes, my northern friends, I am a wuss!! The weather is what makes Florida a lovely place to live in the winter. We truly aren't equipped for cold like this.

I choose to look at it as one of life's little lessons... if you can survive it you will be stronger. But I am so looking forward to weather just a bit warmer and it is around the corner...