Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is calling you?

Here is another piece of silverplate from Spring Fling.
The title of today's blog is a quote from a necklace I just purchased from Kelly Rae Roberts. One of her girlies is on one side and this saying is on the reverse. It is a question I try to answer daily when it comes to my creative life.

I have been a big fan of Kelly Rae Roberts for quite awhile now. One of the things she does best is to tie very thought provoking yet succint verbal ideas with interesting art images. And now she is offering a rare opportunity to share her knowledge about creativity and ideas about the business of it all.

Class starts at the end of May... don't miss out!

1 comment:

BluMoon said...

Thanks Patte, this plate is just delightful the roses are so delicate yet colourful I Love it!