Saturday, September 16, 2017


Irma decided to stop by for a visit and make everyone's life miserable. Bad Irma! Bad Irma!  We were  fortunate to have no house damage but were without power for 3-1/2 days. Thank goodness we had a generator! At least we were able to keep the refrigerator and freezer running. The Keurig allowed us that first cup of joe in the morning to face whatever was coming that day. The Keurig also provided enough hot water to wash up the few dishes/cutlery we were using.  A couple of fans attempted to keep us cooled off. The aftermath was so hot and humid a not hot shower actually felt pretty good.  My studio is a shambles however - all of my own making.  There is a really large picture window in my studio that faces south.  We didn't have storm shutters or anything to board up the windows so I rolled my tall steel shelving unit in front of the wood blinds and pushed my really heavy cutting table in front of that. If the window was to take a hit and break I was hoping to contain the damage a bit.  I know, wishful thinking on my part! If the window had been damaged the wind and rain would have made short work of my studio. But everyone feels the need to do something - however futile - in the face of such destruction!  So that is where my studio is a week later.  Today's effort will be to put the studio back to normal and get back to making art.  I still have paint skins on the work table so there may be more of these in the works.  Here is another one in a square frame.  I am quite liking the quietness of these.  After all the generator noise I can use a bit of quiet!

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