Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Putting the Pieces Together

Once the silk square was trimmed to the finished size it was placed back onto the waiting canvas. Hmmm, the dark blue swallows the square - not enough contrast. Out comes the paint again and a bit of green is mixed with some black. I taped off a border around the silk square and painted this inside area with the black mixture. EDGES TOO STRAIGHT! FIX IT!! I grabbed the spray bottle with water and gave the edges a good spritz to soften and allow them to run a bit. Of course each side had to have a bit more paint dabbed on and allowed to run in each direction. Took a couple of times to get the dark in just the right place but finally it was complete. Once dry, a light coat of sealer gave the paint a finished feel & the silk was attached. The best part? I have a lovely piece of leftover silk from my trimmings that is just the right size for a journal cover. My next project has already begun! And my journey continues...

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